Monday, October 14, 2013


Okay! So, I’ve decided that I need to start writing again on a daily basis. My thoughts have been sort of foggy lately, and I have been a bit out of touch with myself, you know, sort of disjointed and extemporaneous. I think I just have one of those personalities; I love organizing myself, on occasion, but I am in reality a very stream-of-consciousness sort of thinker. 
Anyway! Where I am now: I am 25, living with my parents, working at a sandwich shop, pretty antisocial, and riddled with bad habits (e.g. smoking, overeating, laziness, excessive libidinal thinking) I suppose where I would LIKE to be a year from now is, at least, somewhere where I am slightly more independent with a better job and better habits. 
Long term goals: have three graphic novels and a syndicated comic strip by the time I am 36 (I use to say 35, but I have a feeling I’ll need an extra year). I doubt I’ll get the syndication thing, but I am gonna shoot to at least have written three shorter graphic novels (well, one longish and two more secondary) and will make strides to actually publish. And I’ll have some sort of serialized comic strip (though getting that syndicated will be tough. better start now!) 
Yeah, obviously, I am not a self-motivated person. I am often beleaguered by bouts of depression. I get frustrated easily. I don’t have “people skills” in a way that is fiscally advantageous. What I have is what I have -- my personality, bent way of thinking, moderately adept drawing ability, &c. 
So, I am hoping to use this blog to keep me honest. I’ll just detail random events and things like I would on twitter, while also delineating some longer term goals that I need to keep focus on. When I get depressed by what I view as a pretty difficult task, I sort of freeze up. I’m hoping that writing about it will help. (?) 
Thanks for reading! Will hopefully have more to report soon! 
Let's all just be as enthusiastic as we can be!